Tag Archives: limit

Simple RouterOS http load/bandwidth tester

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what you choose to do with this script and/or what damage you incur. It uses features of RouterOS in ways I have to assume they were not intended so user beware.

I wrote a little script today that allows very simple load/bandwidth testing.

Some suggested uses:
– basic testing of apache http servers on a VPS
– bandwidth testing when you’re not onsite and don’t have a remote mikrotik with enough bandwidth test to.

I recommend you don’t exceed 500 iterations on an RB1000 however if you’re using it for a bandwidth test then you should only need 4 threads or so.

If you do exceed this number, or manage to crash the console anyway,  login via winbox and run the clear script a couple of times to remove the created scheduler entries.

Server is the server you wish to connect and
File is the file you wish to download (this is not saved).
Time is how long you want to run the test for (so you can see the average bandwidth or monitor the server you’re checking against).

For example: http://www.example.tld

Server would be www.example.tld

File would be index.php or index.html or index.asp etc etc

For a bandwidth test you’d do better to look around for a reasonably sized file you can download (a linux iso on an ISP mirror would work).

#HTTP testing implementation v3
#Written By Omega-00 - December 2010

#user editable values
:local server "server.tld"
:local file "index.php"
#Recommend not running any more than 500 for RB1000/1100/800
:local iterations 500
#amount of time to run script for in seconds
:local time 60

### End of user editable values ###
:local counter

:for counter from=1 to=$iterations do={
/system scheduler add interval=1s start-time=startup name="load-test-$counter" on-event="/tool fetch keep-result=no mode=http address=$server host=$server src-path=\"$file\"; /tool fetch keep-result=no mode=http address=$server host=$server src-path=\"$file\";"

#wait $time seconds for threads to run
:delay $time
:foreach counter in=[/system scheduler find] do={
:if ([:find [/system scheduler get $counter name] "load-test-"] !="") do={/system scheduler remove $counter}

And a cleanup script in case you crash the console from setting the iterations value too high.

#Script for clearing entries in the event of script crash 

:foreach counter in=[/system scheduler find] do={
:if ([:find [/system scheduler get $counter name] "load-test-"] !="") do={/system scheduler remove $counter}

If there’s interest in this I might make another version of the script that can spider through a website and load multiple pages at once (increasing the effectiveness of using this as a server load tester and avoiding caching from the host machine).

Update: Version 4 of the script (uses :execute command instead of scheduler to run parallel processes)

#HTTP testing implementation v4
#Written By Omega-00 - Jan 2011

#user editable values

#Recommend not running any more than 500 for RB1000/1100/800
:local iterations 500

:local runcmd "/tool fetch keep-result=no url=\"http://example.tld/index.php\""
:local time "60"

### End of user editable values ###
:local counter
:local counter2

:log info "Run Command: $runcmd"

:for counter2 from=1 to=$time do={
:for counter from=1 to=$iterations do={
:execute $runcmd
:delay 1