TheBrothersWISP 55 – BGP Long Path Protection, Ubiquiti Investor Thoughts, Sonar Acquires WispMon

This cast we talk about:
Baicells Sponsorship
Microcom Sponsorship
Baltic Sponsorship
Tower Coverage Sponsorship
Sponsors need to signup a time for Wispapalooza between Tuesday and Wednesday – holler at Mike
Long path BGP advertisement filtering
As per the UBNT investor day, they have no plans to play in the CBRS range
Thoughts on recent Ubiquiti investment reports
Triple UBNT Labs products in 12 months
PowerBeam and LiteBeam Omnis
Ubiquiti AF5xHD
Unifi Video 3.8 PSA Port 7442
Ubiquiti GPS sync mixed mode AC+M
Sonar acquires WISPMon
EuroBSD COn 2017 Paris – and Tom’s erotic BSD fan-fiction(not a joke!)
How do you deal with network blaming?

Keep contacting us: contactus (at) or

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TheBrothesWISP – Cambium Elevate Real World Experience

This special cast we have Sakid and Dmitry from Cambium along with, Wilson, Mike, Greg, and special guest Brian Gray.

What is Cambium at a glance, what is the difference between PMP and ePMP, what is Elevate and how is it being used in the real world. Brian Gray speaks openly and extremely honestly about his experiences with both ePMP and elevate in his network.

Keep contacting us: contactus (at) or

Here’s the video:(if you don’t see it, hit refresh)

TheBrothersWISP 54 – Mikrotik Newsletter 78, Ubiquiti UAP‑AC‑SHD, Outdoor Boxes

Greg, Mr. Wiiiillllsssoooon, Tomas and Mike chat nicely about all vendors great and small 😉 This is the newer, friendlier TBW hehehe.

This cast we talk about:
Mikrotik newsletter 78
Outdoor Boxes
Tomas Unimus Updates
CBRS Rules

Keep contacting us: contactus (at) or

Here’s the video:(if you don’t see it, hit refresh)

TheBrothersWISP 53 – Hurricane Harvey, BGP Looking Glass, Thermal Inversion

Greg, Mike, and Miller do the thing with the talking and the laughing.

This cast we talk about:
Hurricane Harvey
BGP Looking Glasses
Route Servers
CLI Ransomware
Thermal Inversions
Mike moves cables on his B5cs
google dns servers under atttaaaaacccckkkk!
Mikrotik wAP60 hit FCC
Rain fade calculations
Rain fade link 2
Chassis-based Radios

Keep contacting us: contactus (at) or

Here’s the video:(if you don’t see it, hit refresh)

TheBrothersWISP 52 – Ubiquiti UCRM vs Aircontrol, BGP to Customers, 100Gb Switch

Greg and Mike go down the tangent hole, and have a good time doing it.

This cast we talk about:
Ubiquti Front Row
Ubiquiti UCRM
Bridgewave has 10Gb AES 256 80ghz link
BGP for redundant customer connections
Midwest IX is looking for a sales leader
Dragonwave Bankruptcy
100G switches
Unimus Beta licenses expiring

Keep contacting us: contactus (at) or

Here’s the video:(if you don’t see it, hit refresh)