Tag Archives: script

IPv6 and Mikrotik – Using 6to4

Please note this guide assumes some basic knowledge of IPv4 and IPv6 address space.

Many of you may know of the impending doom that surrounds the IPv4 network and lack of remaining IP ranges.

The question is, how many people are actually doing anything about it? Given the slow take up worldwide I thought it worthwhile I do a post here to explain how you can get IPv6 on your network now.
No support required from your upstream ISP and without having to send your traffic half way around the world to a Hurricane Electric tunnel (hopefully).

So, what is 6to4?

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6to4

6to4 is an Internet transition mechanism for migrating from IPv4 to IPv6, a system that allows IPv6 packets to be transmitted over an IPv4 network (generally the IPv4 internet) without the need to configure explicit tunnels. Special relay servers are also in place that allow 6to4 networks to communicate with native IPv6 networks.
6to4 is especially relevant during the initial phases of deployment to full, native IPv6 connectivity, since IPv6 is not required on nodes between the host and the destination. However, it is intended only as transition mechanism and is not meant to be used permanently.

Continue reading IPv6 and Mikrotik – Using 6to4

Freebies in SA (or How to download IP address lists to a Mikrotik)

In the state of Australia I currently live in, there are 2 major ISP’s – Internode and Adam Internet.
Being a typical nerd and living with other typical nerds we of course have 2 ADSL connections, 1 to each of these providers which are shared out amongst the house.

Internet Cafe. Now where's my Mocha?

However each of these providers have what we call in Australia – “unmetered content” that is to say download traffic from these sources is not measured and removed from our download allowances (yes, we have limits on what we can download).

So anyway, I’ll make like a sharp stick and get to the point.

We wanted to make sure that free traffic from each ISP would always go via that ISP’s link to save us on downloads and each ISP offers a list of the free IP’s in a nice text format: Continue reading Freebies in SA (or How to download IP address lists to a Mikrotik)

Mikrotik Hotspot Authentication for IPv6 dual-stacked clients

In preparation for some IPv6 testing of our hotspot systems, I’ve come up with the following temporary authentication method for dual-stacked users.

Seeing as the login redirect goes via an IPv4 webserver, if enabled IPv6 traffic passes by the hotspot unhindered. This is my work on enabling the IPv6 side of things when a user logs in or out of the hotspot with a dual stacked client.

This has been implemented on my demo v4.10 router and tested with both Mac OS X 10.6 and Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Continue reading Mikrotik Hotspot Authentication for IPv6 dual-stacked clients