I’ve been following the progress of an online contact (http://twitter.com/slampt) who’s currently working on converting his house, car and bike to all support access via an RFID chip he had implanted in his hand.
It’s not specifically network related but incredibly cool (IMHO) nonetheless.
Click through to see a video of him having the RFID tag inserted (Warning – contains blood).
In the state of Australia I currently live in, there are 2 major ISP’s – Internode and Adam Internet.
Being a typical nerd and living with other typical nerds we of course have 2 ADSL connections, 1 to each of these providers which are shared out amongst the house.
Internet Cafe. Now where's my Mocha?
However each of these providers have what we call in Australia – “unmetered content” that is to say download traffic from these sources is not measured and removed from our download allowances (yes, we have limits on what we can download).
So anyway, I’ll make like a sharp stick and get to the point.
Recently I’ve had 2 RB450’s come across my desk as “dead” units.
1 was the victim of a power surge, the other had just stopped working at some point.
As these were both going to visit the bin otherwise, I claimed both units in the hope that I might be able to use my limited grasp of electronics to fix them.
As it turns out thou, both had exactly the same problem.. namely busted capacitors.
This iswhat broken capacitors look like! (pop-tops)
So, I checked the specifications on the popped caps and picked up the closest suitable replacments I could find:
Originals: 6.3v 560uF
Replacements: 10v 470uF (20 cents each)
Used soldering iron and some wick to remove the solder on the existing ones, popped em out and swapped in the new.
Hey Presto, working RB450!
Repair job glamour shot!
There’s a thread on the mikrotik forums about other people having similar problems, which seems to have been traced back to a batch of bad caps.
Either way, handy for anyone who has a dead one that’s either out of warranty or you’re too lazy to RMA 🙂
In preparation for some IPv6 testing of our hotspot systems, I’ve come up with the following temporary authentication method for dual-stacked users.
Seeing as the login redirect goes via an IPv4 webserver, if enabled IPv6 traffic passes by the hotspot unhindered. This is my work on enabling the IPv6 side of things when a user logs in or out of the hotspot with a dual stacked client.