This script comes from the final slide of my recent MUM presentation on RouterOS scripting
It allows you to assign a data limit to trial hotspot users and:
a) have them kicked offline upon reaching this limit
b) create a temporary user to stop them from being able to log back in again
I spy, WiFi!
This is a feature which is not available via the current hotspot settings, so I decided to script it into existence. Enjoy!
I suspect the ArcWireless stuff is based on Atheros chipsets just as AirMax and NV2.
I am really excited about the new Trango platform. Not only is it in 60 MHz vs. the 100 MHz of AirFiber, but it also only uses one polarity vs. two. It also has built in aggregation, so you can combine two links with just a single Ethernet down the tower.
Justin received a Knights of the Black Tie Award
Sub10 has some really cool 60 and 70\80 GHz products. I expect to see a 10 gigabit radio in 70\80 in 2 years. The 60 GHz radios can be physically clustered in a set of 4, pointing in any one direction. Due to FSL, one can colocate 15 to 30 radios on a given structure.
WLANMall was showing off a video surveillance system (I forget the name) that was really impressive. I could go on and on about all the cool stuff it can do, but to sum it up, it’s relatively cheap, it seems to scale well (Clark County, NV schools have 5k cameras on it), it can use your cell phone’s camera.
PureWave’s 6×6 MIMO achieves great foliage penetration. 3650 models surpass the penetration of 900 MHz. I suspect 2.5 GHz operators running the gear may meet the penetration abilities of TVWS, only in a stable regulatory environment and actually have some bandwidth to work with.
Looking forward to additional space that may be coming at 3.6 GHz and in 5 GHz.
Hey, some of us have “SANs” and virtual environments. Other stuff I was talking to other WISPs about: Nexenta SAN, VMWare Service Provider Program
One of the vendors was shooting commercials for a “Backhaul Heros” promotion.
They’re hung up on Vegas for the fall show because Vegas is the cheapest place in the country with ready airport access to have a conference.
JJ, Justin and Greg speak this week. We also have Rick Harnish of WISPA talk to us about what WISPA is as well as upcoming events:WISPAPALOOZA in Vegas.
We also started the first part of our tower series. In the first part we speak about:
Safety equipment
-what are your favorite brands
—DBI SALA – exofit harness
-what gear is a necessity
–RF protection
-why does Justin wear such stank old nikes?
-what are your favorites
-what do you consider a necessity to keep on you
–Knife, Justin’s Boker
—Leatherman Wave, though I carry the old style with a real screwdriver on it. I don’t like the bit style.
-ropes & pullies
-ground to tower?
-ground at base?
-Lightning suppression
Here’s the video:(if you don’t see it, hit refresh)