During my day job we use some MikroTik CHR deployments for (among other things) VPN session termination. The CHR’s are easy to spin up, offer a wide variety of VPN types, and for low traffic sessions can support upwards of 10,000 sessions on a single device.

In the event of an outage though, you would run into a problem – those 10,000 sessions all want to re-establish at once.. and the CPU on the MikroTik quickly bottlenecks until it becomes unable to cope and begins to drop connections quickly becoming a vicious cycle.
We initially dealt with this by defining a hard limit on the number of new sessions per second, using 2 simple firewall rules and the connection limit classifier to keep these under 10 per second – however this meant that after an outage it would take at absolute minimum, over 15 minutes for all the sessions to come back online! So we came up with a better solution. Continue reading Scriptlet: Bulk VPN connections on MikroTik with connection rate limiting